“Education is the most powerful weapon to change the world” – Nelson Mandela, is a saying that is always true for each individual, every country & always true in all times.
A successful person may not have a Bachelor’s, Master’s degree … but that doesn’t mean they don’t study or improve themselves every day.
In the field of agriculture or livestock (cattle, poultry, aquaculture…), biotechnology is no exception, to get a stable, long-term job & good income, you cannot lack of professional knowledge & working skills.
It is for the above reasons that BSF Biotech R&D Center has been researching & building special & specialized training & coaching programs on skills & practical knowledge in the fields of agriculture, farming, animal husbandry, aquaculture etc.
Based on the practical experiences of entrepreneurs, experts & scientists to help learners become more confident in their work, as well as boldly start a business in an extremely sustainable & potential field. In which, biotechnology is the inevitable development trend of the 21st century.
Click on the BSF Biotech R&D Center to go to the official Youtube channel & experience many good professional lessons, as well as many lessons on how to be a person – work – get rich with experienced professionals.
In addition, if you are interested in business opportunities, career orientation with entrepreneurs, experts, scientists …, in the field of Biotechnology (biotech) applied in agriculture, horticulture, aquaculture etc. Please fill in the form below, the Department of Education will contact you shortly.